The WFA is the official voice of the Independent/ Contract Faller in the province of British Columbia. There are many changes taking place with regards to our job over the last twenty years and unfortunately not many of these have had any consideration for the faller.
The WFA is giving its members strong representation with the Workers Compensation Board, the Licensees, Truck Loggers Association, Interior Loggers Association, Central Interior Loggers Association, Northwest Loggers Association, Steelworkers Union and Provincial Government with many areas of concern we have as owner/operator fallers.
For every member that joins, it makes us that much stronger when we bring our issues to the table.
Besides representation, membership has other benefits. We have a member's discount program with the Best Western Hotel chain that is good around the world. We have an alliance set up with Penncorp, a disability insurance company, who are particularly 'faller friendly'. These folks have come to the rescue of many of our members already when they have been hurt and are caught in limbo with WCB. We are working on other 'perks' for members. As they come together, we'll let everyone know about them.
To join us, simply print off the form, fill it out along with a cheque made payable to the Western Fallers Association for $107.00. Send to:
Western Fallers Association
2003 Cinnabar Drive
Nanaimo, B.C. V9X 1B3
Once you've been registered with us you'll receive an indoctrination package with all the members' information as well as be put on a mailing list to receive our newsletters.
Application Form